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Tuesday 13 September 2022

5 Hidden Facts About Anointing Oil from the Bible

5 Hidden Facts About Anointing Oil from the Bible

Anointing is a common practice among Christians and its history dates back to biblical times. Spiritual ceremonies usually use aromatic oils called sacred anointings.

In biblical times, people and places were usually anointed. Anointing is mentioned in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament - whenever God wishes to bless his people.

Anointing is also a nominal symbol and usually precedes kingship or priesthood in both Bibles. As Christians, anointing represents God's blessing, protection, empowerment, and healing.

Holy Anointing Oil is Not Just Olive Oil

Many people believe that anointings are made from olive oil.While this is partially true, olive oil is only one of the few ingredients in oil.

In his Exodus 30 verses 23-26, God gave Moses instructions on how to make this oil. NIV scripts read.

"Then the Lord said to Moses,500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half the amount (i.e. 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of fragrant irises, 500 shekels of cassia (all according to the sanctuary's shekel), and a little olive oil. Make it a holy anointing, a fragrant concoction, a perfumer's work. ”

In the Bible, God secretes oil as a sign of his infinite holiness and gives the power of holy anointing to sanctify people.

God instructs the mixture to be used only in sanctuaries. This should be used by the priests of the House of God for their ordination. Therefore, the anointing oil of the composition mentioned in the Bible is nowhere to be found anymore.

Today, most anointings contain additional ingredients. As such, the additional ingredients are not of the same composition as Exodus.

Anointing Oil was mentioned 20 times in the scripture

Holy oil is mentioned 20 times in the Bible. Most of these references are in the Old Testament. It was first mentioned in Exodus 30 when God gave Moses the recipe.

The anointing oil is sometimes called the holy anointing oil, as mentioned in Exodus 25.6; Leviticus 8:30, and number 4:1.

She is mentioned 15 times in the Old Testament. Primarily related to priesthood and kingship. A notable example is David when he was about to be crowned king in 1 Samuel 16. Aaron and his family were also anointed and commanded to be priests on the altar. But in the New Testament, anointing is mentioned only five times.

Anointing was a Daily Tradition in the Bible

When you think of anointing, you probably think of elaborate religious rituals. Apart from being part of the process associated with kingship and priesthood, Hebrews use it daily.
The Hebrews wore oil daily as part of their traditional costume. It may be the same as how to use lotion and body cream now. A good example of this is found in Matthew 6:17 in the New Testament. So Jesus said.
The Hebrews also use anointing when welcoming people into their homes. As a sign of hospitality and honor, they would sometimes anoint people in their homes. This is seen in Mark 14:3-9, where Mary, one of Jesus' disciples, anointed his feet.

Anointing Oil was Important for Healing

Anointing in the Bible is synonymous with healing. Traditionally, the Hebrews anointed the wounds and bodies of the sick. This application was more like a cure than a religious healing process.

In Jeremiah 8:22, God spoke through the prophet Jeremiah. So he asks, "Is there no frankincense in Gilead? Also, in the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus speaks of a man who anointed a man's wounds.

After Jesus' death, things took a different turn. By faith the disciples anointed the people and their diseases were healed.

In James 5:14, Jacob told the believers to visit their elders when they were sick. According to him, the elders will pray for them and they will receive healing. To this day, it is a spiritual ritual performed by Christians around the world to seek God's healing.

Anointing Oil Offered Protection during Warfare

Anointing the Bible was part of preparing for war. As part of their preparations for war, Israeli children typically had their shields anointed with oil.

As directed by God, the anointed shield was fixed. In Isaiah 21:5, God commanded the princes of Israel to "anoint their shields." This was part of God's instructions for them to fight God's enemies. To this day, anointing is still used in warfare. Although the usage is more contextual than Isaiah. Now, as Christians, we use anointing oil to protect ourselves from spiritual warfare, as Paul recommends in Ephesians 6.12.

At Holi Shaya we have created a very unique anointing based on a biblical recipe. Our oils are made with the purest ingredients according to God's command in Exodus 23. All anointings were made with only the purest oils of Myrrh, Sweet Flag, Cinnamon, Cassia and Grapeseed.

Anoint yourself and use God's gift of holy oil to reconnect with your spirit and regain your spiritual awakening.