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Monday 12 September 2022

Some Kingdom Facts

 Some Kingdom Facts

There are countless views of the kingdom. Many of these views contradict what the Bible says about the kingdom and even contradict each other. Our goal in this material is to establish and bring to your attention some facts about the kingdom, the absolute teaching found in the Bible. The "kingdom" represents and points to God's blessing (Mark 10:

25, 26).

     The meaning of the Kingdom of heaven. 

The term kingdom (Greek, basileia) has the main nuances or shades of meaning used in the New Testament. There is a kingdom of God (the kingdom includes a king, I Tim. 6:15, Luke. 6:46). God reigns in people's hearts and lives. Many Jews did not understand this truth (Luke 17:20, 21). Kingdoms are sometimes used by subjects (Mk. 10:25, 26). The kingdom is the church (ekklesia), the subject over which God reigns (Mt. 16:18, 19). Ecclesia (church) is the universal church (not a "place" or organization, Mt 16:18, "only one" ) and local (I Tim. 3:15, see context for appointing elders and deacons, see Acts 14:twenty two). The kingdom is also used in relation to future happiness (Matt. twenty-five:

To explain and sometimes hide the kingdom, Jesus "likened the kingdom to many things"(Matthew 13). These are the facts of the kingdom.

Other introductory Kingdom facts include:

The kingdom is likened to a mustard seed in that although it began as a small seed, it grew into the greatest "institution" the world had ever known. and sold all he had to obtain it (Matthew 13:31, 32, 33, 44). Jesus made it clear that some find the kingdom easily, while others seek and find it (Matthew 13:44, 45, 46). Jesus taught that the kingdom is like ten virgins who are pure and prepared (Matthew 25:1-13, for the Five Sages).

Now let's examine additional facts about the Kingdom that have some relevance to our coming to and remaining in God.

     Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom

Have you ever wondered what Jesus preached when he was on earth? Whatever it is, it's just as important as it is now. Consider Matthew's statement:

"And Jesus traveled throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing the people from every disease and from every disease" (Matthew 4: twenty-three).

Matters not directly related to the Kingdom message, when examined, are considered part of the Kingdom message in terms of their blessings, requirements, and other details. The Word is the “seed of the kingdom” (Luke 8:


     Jesus announced the approach of the coming kingdom

Part of the fact that Jesus preached heaven was his announcement emphasizing the coming of the Kingdom. Listen to him:

"From that time on Jesus began to preach and tell you to repent.

For heaven is at hand” (Matt 4:17).

The announcement that "Heaven is near" simply meant that it was imminent or imminent. Remember, this announcement of the imminent arrival of the Kingdom was made 2000 years ago.

     Jesus presented his kingdom and church as "comparable." 

The kingdom (Greek, basileia) is essentially the dominion of divine rulership or dominion, and the "church" (Greek, ecclesia) means the summoned one, or the summoned one, the redeemed A kingdom differs from a church in that it fully encompasses a territory. The Kingdom of God.

“And you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not overcome it, and I will give you the keys of heaven.

What you bind on earth will be bound in heaven.

What you release on earth will be released in heaven." (Matthew 16:18, 19).

Notice that Jesus uses the terms “church” and “kingdom” interchangeably. Peter used the "keys of the kingdom" in preaching the gospel in Acts 2. 14ff. He, therefore, allowed entry into the kingdom. Therefore, those who claim that the kingdom has not yet been established and will continue to exist in the future do not understand and appreciate the church that belongs to Jesus. This is a kingdom fact.

     The nature of the kingdom is identified by Jesus

Many in Jesus' day misunderstood the announced kingdom, equating it with all the secular and political kingdoms they were familiar with (Matthew 20:

20ff.). it's not. Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world" (John 18:36). Listen to it in full:

"Jesus answered: My kingdom is not of this world.

If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight lest I be handed over to the Jews. But now my kingdom is not from here" (John 18:36).

It is very sad that wars, battles, and bloodshed have taken place in the name of the Kingdom of Jesus. All of this history reflects man's lack of a true understanding of the kingdom (cf. Luke 17).20).

     Jesus in detail promised the establishment of his kingdom

On one occasion Jesus said: For it is your father's pleasure to give you the kingdom." (Luke 12:32). On another occasion, Jesus further elaborated on the times of his own kingdom. He said:

"And he said to them, 'Truly I say to you, some who stand here will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God come in power. ” (Mark 9:1). As prophesied and promised, the Kingdom came "with might" in Acts 2 After Acts 2, the kingdom is called "reality").

     The apostles spoke of the kingdom as then in existence

Paul reminded the elders of the Ephesian church that he had "preached the kingdom of God" (Acts 20:twenty-five). Notice Paul's next words about the Colossians.

"He who delivered us from the powers of darkness and transported us to the kingdom of his beloved Son" (Col. 1:13).

First-century Christians understood that a kingdom had now arrived and that they were part of it. 1:9). The Thessalonians were "called to his kingdom and glory" (1 Thess. 2:12). This is a kingdom fact.

     Our salvation depends on us entering and being a part of the kingdom

Kingdoms are not an optional matter, but are considered mandatory in the scriptures. Even at the preparatory stage, it says:

"The law and the prophets were up to John.

Since the kingdom of God was preached, everyone has given its strength to it." (Luke 16:16). In his dialogue with Nicodemus, Jesus presents the Kingdom as an absolute necessity and also shows that the Kingdom and its attendants are not physical (John 3:3-7). The new birth and the kingdom are united through Jesus. It's a kingdom fact.

     Christians are to put the kingdom primary and first in their lives

Not only is the kingdom real, it must come first in our lives. Jesus also hopefully said:

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (Matthew 6:33).

Certain spiritual qualities are required to become citizens of the kingdom. Jesus said, "Jesus said to him, 'No one who puts his hand in the plow and then looks back is fit for the kingdom of God'" (Luke 9:62). Concerned readers, the kingdom/church is the most wonderful institution the world has ever known.

But the smallest one in heaven is greater than him" (Matthew 11:11). Citizenship, Christian conduct rules are in heaven, the kingdom above (Phil.3:20, ASV). Christians yearn for this higher realm after this life (2 Pet. 1:11, my pet. 1:Four). These are the plain facts of the Kingdom!